Thursday, March 17, 2011

Overview of local Bally's and 24 Hour Fitness

Over on, Nicole Thompson wrote an interesting and informative piece titled, Get your Spring Training on at your local gym.

Nicole is the San Jose Cardio Fitness Examiner and very smart in the actuality of working out, fitness, and training. She knows a lot about the local facilities too.  While you're on her column, sign up to receive it by email.

As much as I liked Nicole's piece, what was an OMG was that she pointed out spring starts March 20.  Wow.  Next week.  It doesn't matter to me that March 20 is only a date on the calendar. To me, it's all about spring going forward.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks! I HIGHLY emphasize that as March 20th is also my Birthday - First day of Spring, Last day of Pisces. (Interesting tidbit!) :D


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